Product transfer Systems
Product code
We produce a full range of equipment designed for the loading of ingredients into various mixing units. This equipment designed for the transfer of Ammonium Nitrate or Emulsion is used alongside loading augers for the transfer of Ammonium Nitrate. These augers vary in size and discharge rates depending on customer requirements, but 200NB (8″) and 250NB (10″) are the most popular of the standard designs.
Augers are manufactured from corrosive-resistant materials and are usually hydraulically driven from either a diesel or electric power pack. Augers can be fixed or portable, allowing for easy relocation. A hand winch or hydraulic ram are fitted to enable the auger to be raised or lowered to suit different height vehicles.
An Emulsion transfer system can consist of either diaphragm pumps or helical rotor pumps. These systems can be set up so they can unload road tankers and transfer products into onsite storage tanks, as well as unload products from storage tanks and transfer it to the mixing unit for transfer to the blast hole. Safety shut down systems are fitted to the helical rotor systems.