Mobile Mixing Units
Product code
Multiple mix pump units have the ability to manufacture ANFO and Heavy ANFO to auger or pump a blended product into blast holes. Bins are generally permanently fixed to the chassis. These units consist of an Ammonium Nitrate storage bin, Emulsion storage tank, fuel oil tank, water tank, hose reel and optional product additions tanks.
The product is discharged using a side-mounted discharge auger, or pumped into a wet blast hole using a loading hose. Emulsion is generally added to the ANFO in the discharge auger. A helical rotor pump is used to transfer the product during the wet hole loading process.
Hose reels can be manufactured to suit the various discharge rates and hose diameters as required. These reels are usually driven using a reduction gearbox or reduction chain system to These reels are driven using a reduction gearbox to give optimum control of the hose feed rate in the hole.
Total bin capacities range from 4 – 20 tonnes – weight cab chassis weight restrictions can however limit the size of the unit. The auger discharge rate is from 50 – 1000kgs per minute, while pumpable rates range from 40 – 450kgs per minute.
Our multiple mixing units can accurately blend many ingredients (in all or part) to produce a variety of augured or pumped products related to the explosives industry requirements.